Whether you are a scratch golfer who takes the game seriously or a golfer who simply enjoys the sport, the God & Golf Fellowship Association (GGFA) invites you to become a member. Regardless of your handicap or score, you will have fun and enjoy the fellowship of playing golf with other Christians.
GGFA offers Christian fellowship and the opportunity to share your faith in Christ: the single most important benefit of GGFA membership. We encourage millions of Christian golfers nationwide to enjoy fellowship with other believers and share their faith in Christ with friends, relatives and associates who have not experienced the peace that Christ offers.
2023 Tournament Winners

1st Place - Ronald Neely Forney, Texas
2nd Place - Stephone Berry Columbia, South Carolina

This year's overall winner (GROSS) was Ronald Neely(Forney, TX). Stephone Berry (Columbia, SC), the overall winner by (NET), heavily chased and challenged him. Ronald shot an 84 in the first round, and Stephone an 85 on Myrtlewood-Pinehills. Ronald shot an 84 in the second round, followed by Joseph King with an 88. Stephone won the third round with a 90 over Ronald's 92. Ronald won the final round at Myrtle Beach National-Kings North with an 85, followed second with an 89 by Stephone Berry. The weather was great during the tournament, with a few showers on Sunday. Overall, this year's tournament was a success, and we look forward to meeting and fellowshipping with each other next year. We hope you will join us next year!
God & Golf Fellowship Association
Columbia, SC 29229
Tel: 803.553.5751
Fax: 803.810.0123